Thursday, February 15, 2007


Things have been relatively calm here on the blog, and you know what that means.

It's time for a storm.

So, with my dear readers in mind, I am going to Asia for the weekend.

A large group of us (8,9,10?) are headed out for a brief excursion into the Sinai Peninsula, which is technically on the Asian continent. We're going to the Red Sea town of Dahab, which you can read more about here. (Ignore the link about the 2006 bombings, Mom.)

We were planning on taking the East Delta Bus Company (its sister company had worked well for us in Siwa), but the hotel we're staying at offered to charter a bus for us that would go directly to Dahab and not through Sharm el Sheik. It's a little more expensive, but it shaves four hours off our journey. And it's going to be just us on the minibus, which means it's going to be a party. Sketchy? Maybe. Exciting? Sure.

Friday is our day of fun, and hopefully the weather will allow us to get some swimming in. No one is SCUBA certified--yet! Hammad and I have plans in the works--so only snorkeling and sunbathing for us. Friday night we go to Mt. Moses (aka Mt. Sinai), where we plan on climbing it at dawn to watch the sun rise. Saturday is for more exploration, and then back to Cairo by nightfall.

If it's anything like our last great escape, I'll have incredible, unbelievable, you-had-to-be-there stories to tell upon my return. The student visa office has my passport and won't let go, so I'm hoping that a photocopy will be enough to persuade the guards at the several police checkpoints along the way. We'll see!

I'll wave to Saudi Arabia for you all. Much love!!

1 comment:

Jake said...

Hey! Glad you made it back safe! I hope the trip went well.